Sunday 6 November 2011

Le Carré's The Mission song part three the Big Lie revealed

I ended the second piece on the Mission Song as Maxie responded to Salvo’s question on the expected outcome of the meeting which led the admission that making money was an important element. This next section reveals the full extent of the Big Lie to be present the ordinary people and the rest of the world, assuming everything goes to plan. It is also in the tradition of such gatherings that everything has been agreed with the individual parties well in advance. The objective is to ensure everyone is familiar with their future role or encouraged to undertake a role and to deal with any last minute wobbles or negotiations

The next admission that is that the political economic and social progress had to be measured in small steps. Maxie presented his sense of reality about the situation they were talking about. The World’s worst graveyard chaps dying like flies, knee jerk tribal killings, disease starvation, ten year old soldiers and sheer fucking incompetence from the top down, rape and mayhem galore. Elections won’t bring democracy, they will bring chaos. The winners will scoop the pool and tell the loser to go fuck themselves. The losers will say the game was fixed and take to the bush and since everyone voted on ethnic lines they will be back to where they started and worse. The only alternative was to put a moderate leader in control and he educates the people to his way and proves to them it works and stops the vicious circle. He then added that leaving things to the market would not work because international business was not into using profit for infrastructure building or feeding the starving etc.

So my understanding is what was being proposed was a form of state capitalism where the natural resources would be sold but the money used to build the infrastructure and expand the wealth and middle class and break down tribal barriers but middle and long term. Well that would be good as still thought Salvo but was it true?
I grasped that a coup was being plotted in which there would some initial deaths with the number put in terms of a couple of hundred which in Circus terms is chicken feed to the gold dust gains. But once a violent conflict begins who can say what the outcome will be?

Salvo then had time to study the file of notes prepared for him by Philip. Warlord One was of the Banymanulenge who his father had loved as the Jews of the Kivu who occupied an inaccessible plateau as herders of cattle and sheep and ignored the minerals. They were despised by the Tutsi and akin to the Rwandan Hutu. The chosen one was empowered by the elders to participate in the proposed coup on the basis of being part of the new government, their established rights to the land they farmed, the return of those who had been forced to flee and the recognition of the people as part of the civil society of the new Congo. There was an added note that the chosen one Dieudonné was not interested in self enrichment. As an outsider this seems most reasonable although it is not clear what is brought to the table unless it is to allow the taking of minerals from within the land area they wish to own and control. I was to be proved right in my assumption.

Warlord Two is Franco named after a local singer and therefore not the Spanish Dictator. He was twice the age of Dieudonné, and without education whereas the former had at least that provided by missionaries from Scandinavia. What sent shivers anxiety in Salvo is that the man had joined the Mai Mai and these were second in the barbarity stakes in the history of the country. This seemed to be confirmed by Philip’s notes that the man was prepared to join the coup on the basis it fast tracked him to personal wealth, power and guns for his militias. He wanted to control the bribery and customs dues from the borders and wants to cleanse the Congo of Rwandan influence and wants to stop selling minerals to them if other buyers can be found. Because the elections posed a threat to the Mai Mai he wants the coup to pre-empt.

The third individual could not be described as a warlord but the Honoré Amour-Joyeese who Le Carré shortens to Haj and represents the wealthy businessmen and who centre was the former colonial town of Bukavu at the southern end of Lake Kivu and which was Salvo’s childhood paradise and he was dependent on his enemies for the trading livelihood. It was his father who was expected to have attended the conference but was ill and his interests were to reduce to whatever extent possible Rwandan influence in his country. His son had a minority shareholding in his father’s business and life the life in Paris where business had its European office

He was prepared to organise a popular uprising in support of the Mwanganza in turn for a role in the new government and consequential power and influence. It was at this point that something more of the underlying deal was revealed because the son was said to have accepted a specified amount of financial commission in advance to secure his attendance. This suggested that the others had also received personal commissions and why it was suggested to Salvo that he had been bought cheap.

Salvo was then provided with a copy of the draft contract while the first document was removed into safe keeping away from the eyes of the participants as he also speculated on the ability of the “aged Professor” the Manwanganza to cut the deal with the three other participants.

However in my youth I had been an observer at one similar in format conference in which the purpose was to agree a communiqué on what had been agreed by the parties and on their future role. It was only later that I appreciated the apparent skill of the chairman in finding agreement was his prior knowledge and discussions with the individual parties and that far from starting from scratch the meeting was only to iron out remaining differences. This was to become clear when later after a long introduction from the Mwangaza those carrying out the coup with help provided by the unnamed syndicate, made only short introductory statements.

The contract was as already stated was officially about the provision of agricultural help with reference to an event rather than a coup and with no reference to the provision of heavily armed mercenaries or the extraction of minerals. It seemed that the operation was costing the Syndicate of venture capitalists 50 million in Swiss Francs for the right to have complete control of what ever it wanted to take out of the South Kivu province on the basis of 90% revenue profits tax free for six months and therefore after 67% with the balance going to the Government less deductions for overheads and administrative costs. The Government headed by the Mwanganza would use the allocated proceeds for the health education and welfare of the people with the objective of establishing harmony, unity and mutual tolerance under one flag.

So in simple terms with UK Political approval at some high level the British Government, the syndicate was funding a coup with arms length led agents providing the trained operatives and fire power to establish a government which because of its official head and aims would be given International recognition and then through commercial agents extract the range of mineral wealth at huge profit for as long they could get away with hope that the principals would direct some of the remainder of the profits to good causes. In exchange the chosen ones would between them stop the internal fighting and close the borders to Rwanda in a constructive way. This again was still a major lie in terms of the reality. Salvo’s first task was to translate the document written in French into Swahili.
I have always argued that he sets the agenda for meetings and then controls the minutes has the real power especially if he or she also has the means to put into operation whatever has been agreed. My beef when I first became a senior office in local government was that everyone was so intent on preparing for and holding decision taking meetings that they forgot to ensure that the decisions were carried out and carried out as broadly intended, with on occasions as precisely as hoped for.

In this instance Salvo was clearly in a strong position in so far as he could understand what everyone was saying officially and in private and could therefore change emphasis, omitting and adding at his choosing although he had to be mindful that everything was being taped and could be independently verified if the recording material and note taking was kept for later re-examination.

Salvo was then able to observe the notables arriving and work out who was who at a distance before assembling with the French Lawyer in to be part of the grand welcome of parties with Phillipe rather than Philip (for the purposes of everyone being named in French around the place marks on the conference table) coming in prematurely with the three African conspirators before the Mwangaza his aides with Maxie and the rest.

The Africans were evidently delighted to see a fellow African, despite the white tinge, as the interpreter and this prompted Franco to embark in Bembe in a diatribe which Salvo nearly started to interpret before remembering that officially he was limited to French, English and Swahili so Franco then tried to translate what he had said in Swahili so they could all understand but we are not told if he repeated such statements that he was no friend of foreigners or invaders, or his roll in defending his country from Rwandan scum or the Banymanulenge cockroaches.

Salvo’s next task was to translate into Swahili Philip’s who has been designated Colonel Phillipe, speech of welcome.
Salvo now the opportunity to explain to the reader something of his art with the observation that anyone speaking in another tongue to that of his birth tends to adapt personality to what he perceives as the characteristics of the new voice so the Englishman tends shout in German and sound pompous in French said as preamble that the African notably the Congolese use a language which is basic and direct without subtly and find shouting an argument normal.

This perhaps explains that although speaking in French the Mwangaza proceeded to insult the three Africans he had come to make him the new leader of their country before explaining what he had to offer and why they should back him. His main issue is the extent to which Rwandan based companies are stealing Congo wealth plundering the natural resources. While in full flood Salvo is called out by the Mwangaza to stand with him and to answer the question are you one of us or one of them referring to the three Warlords or would be warlord delegates.

It is at this moment that Salvo proves him worthy of the position and the opportunity afforded him when he replies. I am one of both of you in Swahili

This delights the would be leader who roars with laughter and translates in French to the approval of everyone around the table and is rewarded by the observation that “This fine fellow is the symbol of our Middle Path” and asks Salvo to continue standing at his side in order to translate his exposition on a map of the locations and extent to which the Rwandans are stealing there wealth with the help of carpetbaggers from Uganda and Burundi and the corrupt government in Kinshasa.

He then recited the scale of deaths that have occurred in the various wars and turns his attention to the existing politicians running the government, and then talk of what he hopes can be achieved. It is very impressive and appears to affect the delegates in a positive way.

Unexpectedly Franco is brief reminding that when the Mobuto regime failed it was the Mai Mai who protected the country and then added “Now we shall see what comes. God will protect us.” Dieudonné was also brief reminding of how the people suffered and their wish to own and have control of their land that was their bottom line. One of the Mwangaza aide confirmed that this would be position. It was Haj who summoned the point of the contract: It is a coup; Bukavu today, Goma tomorrow, Rwandans out and UN and Kinshasa can kiss our arses.` Philip responds to the doubts raised and argued that if they do nothing the situation will continue as it is until there is post election chaos and Rwandan intervention. Act today to prevent worse in the immediate future.

Philip suggests a short recess and Salvo goes to the listening room and is asked to listen in the discussion between the delegates of the three parties. Haj is negative and Franco insults Dieudonné, They speculate on the Ethnicity of Salvo and his background and present role. The key point is an observation that the Mwangaza is after his place in history rather than concern for the welfare of the people represented by the three parties.

It was Maxie’s role next to stress there was to be no external intervention and the coup had to be a spontaneous uprising. He reveals they had listened to the UN HQ and that head of each participating nation’s unit has to consult on every action. If it is clear to the UN it is internal uprising they will withdraw civilians and retreat to the compound until the situation is settle one way or the other. The world will accept the outcome.
It was as he explained further what was to happen that my attention drifted first to the UK riots and the fanciful idea that there had been an attempt to destabilise the coalition around disaffected backbench rightwing Tories with perhaps a Cabinet Minister expressing interest at one such similar meeting. The other thought and more realistic is how the operation to free Libya of Gadaffi may have been organised, albeit internationally.

Maxie that in one of the designated cities there should be a protest march which gets out of hand, a little looting and shooting the burning of a car but not the fire raising of a city. As prior arrange the Mwangaza would arrive calling for peace and any fighting and disturbance would immediately cease. The role of the agents of the Syndicate would be to secure the airport at Bukavu to enable the safe passage of the Mwangaza. The importance if taking and maintaining control of the airport would be sown to be of greater significance.

The phrase friend of my friend is my friend is used to indicate the agreement to the package by Franco and Dieudonné. They turn on the fence sitting Haj and remind he is standing for his father who agreed during the prior negotiations. It is then Haj who translates the word of a song into a description of what is proposed. I do not know if the song is a real one but the translation is the core of the book because it describes how they are proposing to buy mercenaries( black trained South Africans posing as a visiting football team) buy local officials and provide anti Rwandans with new guns etc. Everyone thinks this is funny except one of Mwangaza’s assistants who Salvo notes is far from amused. The key aspect of this session is that Maxie makes clear that there is to be no prior dealings with Kinshasa whose location and role is akin to Washington in the USA with the revolt involving the state of Texas and a couple of neighbours.

Another recess in which we learn more of the realities following a conversation between Haj and Dieudonné who has HVI and requires medication and is hoping to negotiate a legacy for his people but he is also aware Mwangaza says one thing and lives another with a ten million dollar villa in Spain.

Haj also expresses concern at the strength of the Rwandans. He reveals that he has contacts in Kinshasa and found out they are part of death with the Mwangaza and the Syndicate, and therefore their stake in the coup despite what was being said around the table. Haj argues is that they are underselling their position by 1000% and who needs another war especially as the two of them are dependent up the Rwandan trade. Haj argues that the Rwandans will not accept the situation but return with allies and with vengeance. It won’t matter to Haj because he will be back in Paris. The tape is gone over several times by Maxie and Philip. Salvo translates and Salvo realises that they have been waiting for the information, expecting it to happen. The admission has been that Haj and his father have had a meeting with another outfit led by a Dutchman

Salvo is right in his assumption. Philip is now seeking confirmation of the whereabouts of the father of Haj and the man’s actual condition. He is also wanting attention given to the whereabouts of the Dutchman about whom he appears to know quite a lot about. Salvo is told that there is to be action during the lunch interval but what is to happen is not disclosed. While the others are occupied he decides to listen in where he has been forbidden, on his diminished hero who is with Franco. They are discussing the fact that in the many planes will be used. Franco is cutting a deal to get medical treatment for his brother. He then mentions the payment his brother will make to become Chief of Police for a contract of three years. The dreams of Hannah and Salvo take a further knock.
In the next session Maxie explains more of the detailed plans which is basically that in the first instance the syndicate will take over three mines, one in each of the areas of the delegates and they will provide the mercenaries and staff required to mine supported by the delegates and using air transport for the work with Bukavu the core airfield. The next information is revealing that it is only by the end of this month of intense mining that the Mwangaza will be installed as governor of South Kivu.

Haj illuminates further by establishing that the three selected mines are gold and diamonds with the waste mountains of valuable coltan which have been left to accumulate. He suggests that they will be able to make great profit beyond their overheads within two months let alone six. Maxie mentions that the helicopter will be painted white like those of the UN with nose cone firepower of 4000 rounds a minute. It is then time to enjoy a sumptuous lunch.

But not Salvo as advised he has to return to the listening, Nothing specific but a spin round the tables from time to time to check the discussions taking place. Salvo notices that Haj is missing so is the Mwangaza goon who hatred for the African Salvo had noted.

Haj is being tortured with some kind of electrical device into admitting his father is not sick but allegedly playing golf with his brother and although he denies he is spying on the conference for the Dutchman and his alternative mining syndicate to get better deal.

They concentrate on the Kinshasa contacts who Haj says are the thirty percent fat cats who will as a consequence do nothing, keep the troops in the barracks and tell them to stop raping women for a few days. It is as if Haj has endured the torture to wait for his moment. He first asks that in instead of the profit going to the new government to administer, a third will go direct to his father to provide for the people. The Mwanganza thug is then told by phone to stop and release Haj but issues a warning that next time they are together he will kill him and do worse to his women, children and relatives. Maxie‘s men apologise saying they were under orders and hoped next time they will be on the same side.

Philip then joins Haj proclaiming innocence of the torture and explaining that The Dutchman is one of eight parties to a venture capital house with a special eye on the Eastern Congo. He then reveals the trail of the firm to Liechtenstein and then the backgrounds of the Directors of the parent body who are all Americans with White House connected political and corporate power. With the Chinese sniffing around the Americans are in effect wanting the annexation of the Congo by the Rwandans in a bloodless coup.

Philip then admits the Mwangaza has cut a dirty deal with Kinshasa but this is better the than the proposed complete sell out to the Rwandans.

Haj then requests some paper as if he is aware he is being listened to but Philip reacts with the demands. Three million dollars into his father’s special account before the deal can be signed. On million with go to Bukavu, one to Goma and one in compensation for the torturing. It has to be paid immediately into his father’s off shore account and he will not accept part now with the rest on project completion.

The afternoon session begins with the prepared contract. There is some questioning led by Haj but they quickly reach the point when it is signed, there is the drinking of champagne, handshakes of a kind and departures. It is at this point that Haj approaches one Brian Sinclair and says he hopes to keep in contact as he wants to open an office in London one day. Brian gives his card which gives only a post office box in Brixton. The card given by Haj is in English, French and Swahili and gives his addresses in Paris and Bukavu.

Salvo returns to the hideaway to the listening room ostensibly to collect his notebooks, but alone and with everyone busy he selects a number of the tapes replacing them with blanks and then secreting them on the clothing on his body. Fortunately he has dome this when Philip arrives to express his thanks and to inspect the note books about which he questions. He seems satisfied. He asks about Salvo’s wife commenting that pillow talk can cost lives. It has always struck me as amazing how often men and I presume women but I suspect less so, talk freely when engaged in some form of sexual transaction, even those who also have the benefits of the Catholic Confessional. He is soon on his way back to London.

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