Monday 7 November 2011

Le Carré's The Mission song part four nearly has a happy ending

In true Le Carré story telling Salvo finding out the extent Big Lie by the time he left the coup planning conference on an island somewhere in the North Sea then became the Big Reality as the Mission Song is brought to a close.

The journey back to Luton was regarded as a celebration with a Fortnum and Mason Hamper of food goodies and a nearly cold Magnum of Champagne. There is a toast to Salvo for his efforts and a bonus as Maxie has raised the cash from $5000 to $7000 and then asks if he thinks the delegates will deliver when the operation takes place in two weeks time. They have judged rightly that Salvo will have seen more of the full game play than anyone else although they will not have appreciated how much more he saw than anyone else.

Everyone disappears to their assigned separate ways. From the private plane location Salvo is escorted to a desk where his original clothes are waiting for him and his cell phone. It is been the weekend to his life to date. He is driven to the pick up point for the coach to Victoria. He has the tapes and note books with him.

He catches up on phone messages from Penelope concerned at his appearance and disappearance, then having a go at him and then reconciliation of a kind but still anxious to know of his whereabouts and state. There is also one from Hannah just as concerned. He returns home to an empty house feeling it strange as you do when you have been away involved in an intense experience, then divests of his school master outfit and examines the tapes and notebooks on the bed.

The most striking aspect of his reflections is that he proposes to share the experience with Hannah and not with the journalist well connected wife and her lawyer father. If anything signals the weekend has brought about a more fundamental change in his life then it is this. We then witness the death of his marriage as he admits to himself and therefore to us that he had married Penelope for all the things she was not or wished to be such as a fearless champion of investigative journalism, the mother of his children and the mother he had never had. Penny who needed to be called Penelope had seen him as the rebel when as is often the case of someone born on the outside of conformity become conformists in heart and soul, or at least greatly desirous of being so. His father in law had a realistic sense of their marriage and prepared a prenuptial agreement which Salvo now took out and surrendered on the pillow of their marital bed plus his wedding ring. There is finality about his actions which we suspect, or more accurately I suspect because I cannot speak for anyone but me, has a greater significance than the character will appreciate.

If is evident from his removal of the tapes and notebooks that he means to share their content not just with Hannah but to use them in such a way to prevent the coup against the legitimate government known to have been paid for their acceptance of a British orientated Syndicate, as opposed to a USA Rwandan one or any other waiting in the wings. He is doomed of course whatever he does because the more involved the UK government the less likely he will be able to do anything and that includes creating publicity while the more it is entrepreneurial based then more likely his death, however accidental his demise, also becomes an increasing likelihood. And why this sudden interest commitment to the land of his birth?

He has lived in the UK for almost twice as long as his childhood in the Congo. It was that determined he should leave and find a life elsewhere and from all that he has said his childhood was a good one and he valued the relationship with his Father father. He knows how dreadful things became but he has been detached from that with in new middle life class life and important job.
In this respect he seems a little likely Haj, genuinely concerned but at a distance but with his own happiness and enjoyment of life taking priority, until now that is. This is what I believe often divides human being despite our similarities, those who when push comes to shove always put themselves and those closest to them first and those who in the same situation put others before themselves and sometimes to the extent that they offer up life itself. I have been one of these but always wishing I was not and one of the others. We are of course mixtures of both tendencies but with some the drive is more one way than the other, and for the minority throughout time those of self interest dominate the altruistic and the self sacrificing.

He has an encounter with a friend of his wife who he thought had returned early from her new found relationship with her boss, oh I know I forgot to mention that. He finds himself lodgings and then goes to wait for the night shift to leave the hospital sitting on a park bench opposite. Hannah leaves the hospital late and is listening to the eight messages he has left for her until they meet up.

She returns to his new abode and he begins to tell her his tale but she is a step ahead referring to a Mwangaza contact in London she knows called Baptise someone previously unmentioned. She says something of the life she was leading up to the point when they connected over the Rwandan who had gone to die on Hampstead Heath and then did so in hospital cared for by Hannah, and in his own way by Salvo until the special assignment. It is interesting that individuals when they believe a relationship could make them into a couple begin by wanting each other to know what their life has been beforehand. Know who I am reject me now so the pain will be less than if rejection occurs later.

Salvo like his father believed that sex should be a private as prayer. Amen to that I say.
It was after this that Salvo commenced to explain his everyday job for the Ministry of Defence and the events of the weekend. As I said yesterday it is weakness to share what one has been sworn to secrecy with anyone unless there is some compelling overriding justification, an issue which dominated the episode of Frost watched yesterday evening, and the last of a weekend of selected episodes from this excellent police detective season. A priest is faced with a man who confesses his intention to kill and then appears to do so and which could lead to an innocent man being convicted and another serving life in prison remaining incarcerated for a crime he did not commit. There is no absolute but be prepared to take the consequences for doing so even if there is justification which can be substantiated.

Hannah of true heart about her homeland also proves to be a realist with up-to-date knowledge and experience of the reality which Salvo has only acquired thought the disparate gang of four countrymen. Of Haj and his father she admits that in the Congo it is not possible to make money without being a crook so that one can admire those who do well although the father has a bad name in Goma as a man who likes to play politics for personal game, and for his son appears to be like all the young men who wear dark glasses and make money and usually do so from drugs and prostitutes. She also recognised that of the disparate gang it seemed to be Haj with whom he appeared to have formed a bond and speculates if this is because he has also been westernised thus revealing how she sees him and something which if he understood the implication he does not refer to.

We learn that she has a child, a son by a doctor who was married, although she knew not at the time, a Ugandan of the country where her father had sent her to be trained as a nurse. She was sixteen. She had to wait to endure the waiting of the HIV test after finding that the man had told another girl he was also gay. Now she did not wait before doing anything that was unpleasant or she wished she did not have to do. She had completed her studies refusing to sleep with all the doctors who pressed her until now and then again Salvo was married. Her son was with her aunt in Uganda where she sent her money and when she felt she had learned enough she would return to the Kivu and her son.

After listening to tapes it is she that immediately knows that by stealing the tapes he has become a wanted man and that the solution is reveal all to her friend Baptiste. Her assessment is that Baptise will know what to do with the information that Bukavu is to be attacked in thirteen days and the Mwangaza has cut a deal with the powers in Kinshasa so they will not intervene. He is described as a passionate nationalist for a united Kivu and who had attended a forum in Washington which given Salvo’s knowledge of the USA involvement he should have been cautiousness about the proposal that they should reveal the extent of his knowledge and involvement to this friend.

He decides to first approach Lord Brinkley another unwise move I immediately feared, He manages to gain entrance and speak to his wife who agrees he can wait until the return of her husband. Lord Brinkley when he arrives denies all knowledge of the event on the island or any of those involved and Salvo in his naiveté assumes this to be so. He is made to go over the full story and then is thrown by the surprising question that Salvador is sure he saw Brinkley at the House in Berkeley Square on the previous Friday evening. He was then quizzed about his identification of any others present, included a corporate raider, a TV presented and a bearded nobleman who owns a chunk of the West End; together with an Indian Billionaire, an African Former Finance Minister and the Supermarket tycoon who had recently acquired a national daily as a hobby.
I must admit that this weakest part of the story because I do not understand why Salvo was allowed to get to now the financial investors of the enterprise as surely his superiors must have no of his marriage, her occupation and the stories published by her newspaper?

To Salvo’s anger his lordship denies any knowledge of those at the gathering in addition to those on the island. Salvo had still not appreciated the basis of the no name syndicate and the no name island and no name contract, including the warning of deniability and he would be on his own if things went wrong.

Then his Lordship or more particularly his wife delivers the coup de grace for at the very time Salvo declared he had recognised Lord Brinkley at the Berkeley Square gathering and Maxie had commented that the man had appeared scared shitless on being recognised Lady Brinkley confirmed that they were on their way for the weekend to their home at Marlborough. She had also confirmed that neither of them knew any of those mentioned by name. Salvo had I fear not worked out that everyone who had gone to the Island apart from the African would have been given temporary identities and that everything that had taken place never existed after it did.

Lord Brinkley added as a lawyer that the man had therefore no proof for his story and action would be taken against should he attempt to blackmail. They query if he had told his wife and why he had brought the recorder which Salvo explained was his stock accessory as an interpreter, which accompanied him everywhere as some take their laptop.

He had left the note books and tapes in the care of Hannah who he now thought ought to return to sleeping at the hostel as so far Lord Brinkley and those all connect with his life and the weekend had no knowledge of her.
It was later that he switched on his mobile to find an angry message from his wife complaining about his wrecking of their flat. Give that she was a journalist and her father a lawyer it is extraordinary that he did not chose the opportunity to share his story with them.

But I can say from personal experience that when you are in a situation of conspiracy against you it is difficult to know who to trust and it is difficult to make the same level of reason judgement and decision taking as you would do in other circumstances.

There was also a message later from his official employers saying they had more work from him and a complaint from his wife. This may have been an innocent contact but he believed it was intended to get him into a situation where he could be investigated a la Haj and brought into line. It should have evident that Lord Brinkley would have immediately contacted all those concerned.

His next action of substance was to make a document which he headed J’Accusé a la Zola and Colonel Drefus for his boss at the MOD Mr Anderson which he planned to hand to him coinciding with his attendance at the Sevenoaks Choral Society. Again the production of a written record is something which I know only too well pitfalls including legal pitfalls of doing so. It could also be argued that my 101 project is an endless written record of my life divided between the public and private.

Nest there was a meeting with Baptiste who Salvo records as having a high level of resemblance to Haj noting his designer clothing, Ray-Ban gold necklaces and a Rolex together with cowboy style boots. Hannah after an embrace and kiss which caused Salvo to note his own concern at their familiarity commented on the attire questioning what had happened when visiting the USA indicating this was not his normal or previous look.

Hannah had prepared a cover story of friend of a friend but outlined the basic to which Baptiste reacted with a mixture of disbelief and anger arguing that his was the kind of disinformation put out by the Rwandans to discredit the Mwangaza and his Middle Path movement. He then explained how dangerous such information could become, a match to start a conflagration. He then turned towards Salvo who he had worked out was the friend saying that his leader had been playing golf in Marbella at the time he was supposed to be involved with the coup planning and the admission that he had cut a deal with Kinshasa.

Hannah who was naturally inclined to weep did so on the return journey

Later Hannah returned to the part of the tape after Haj had been tortured when he appeared to be singing and that he have given Salvo his card and email address. She suggested that he had wanted to be contacted and provided with evidence of what had happened if his assumption of being recorded and listened too was correct. He had identified Salvo as a friend.

The next idea was to send the evidence to Haj if they failed to prevent the coup with a few days. Hannah says she has a contact that can organise this

Salvo then gatecrashed Mr Anderson at Sevenoaks and tells him his assignment was not in the national interest but to plunder the Kivu, thus further misunderstanding how the national interest can be interpreted and forgetting how Great Britain became Great by plundering the wealthy of other nations including using populations as slave labour. It is that Anderson follows the cue of Lord Brinkley by ascertaining the nature of supporting information, the seven key tapes and the notebooks and their present location.
Mr Anderson presses for the information saying that he assigned Salvo to the mission and others did not want to take him on despite his irregular temperament and background. He had protected him. He should have known of my experience at the Henley Senior Management Course learning about psychological profiling and the creative, their uses and limitations.

Mr Anderson added that there were those who thought he was too impressionable and too generous hearted for his own good and who therefore might turn out rebellious. Salvo insists that he will only provide the location of the evidence if Anderson is willing to tell them to stop. Asked what he will do if Mr Anderson does not undertake his request Salvo replies he will go to an M.P or someone. Anderson asks what does stopping mean. Peace. To which Anderson asks Salvo if God’s Will might be that the scarce mineral resources should be held by Christian peoples with an advanced cultural way of life rather than remain in the hands of heathens. Salvo says he is not sure who the heathen are!

Mr Anderson argues that a rogue nation, one freely given to genocide and cannibalism is not more entitled to the protection international law than a rouge individual such as Salvo is entitled to indulge his naivety at the expense of his adopted country. He asked again where the materials are held and then made a citizen’s arrest. When Salvo indicates he will resist Anderson reminds of his age and offers a deal which Salvo will be his domestic guest until the morning when they will retrieve the evidence and then he will arrange things in Salvo’s interests. Salvo is then left further disillusioned by those he had admired.

Hannah was away for two days taking children for the Church youth group on a seaside trip having taken a week of unpaid leave and which had enabled her to help Salvo directly. He phoned to explain the latest predicament.
It is then Salvo decided to approach the editor of his wife’s paper who first thinks it is a kiss and tell story and then thinks he is also up to no good in offering to provide him for free the dirt on Lord Brinkley who had successfully sued the paper as previously mentioned,

They agree to meet at a drinking club close to the Savoy where he finds the Editor with a couple of reporters to hand. The Editor like the others expresses reservations about the authenticity of the document presented to him but then realising its full potential sets about confirmatory investigations including the contract creator who was already known as part of the successful libel case brought by Lord Brinkley, on the House in Berkley, on Maxie and his security firm, on the location of the Island, on flights from Luton, The Fortnum Hamper. They were told to stay clear of the Big players mentioned in order to avoid the slapping of an injunction. While all this sounded of excellence to Salvo it of course also indicated his naiveté about the choice of media and the time that would be required for the story to be checked and the evidence gathered, the legal assessment, before it could be published as a news story.

This forced Salvo to play his card on the availability the tapes, including the one in which Philip used a Satellite phone to communicate with the Syndicate leader getting authority to immediately transfer an additional three million into the account of Haj’s father. It was then to his horror he discovered that two of the tapes were missing, the two most important tapes, the two that would have persuaded the paper to go with the story that weekend thus pre-empting the coup. He realised that the two had been taken by Hannah.

He checked the programme of the visit she was making and found that it would five hours before direct contact was likely to be possible. He listens to the news and then goes on line receives a call from Hannah about the same time as the news story appears of unconfirmed reports of fighting between rival militias in Eastern Congo and the government put the blame on imperialist backed forces from Rwanda which is denied from Rwanda. Rumours of British mercenaries in the region dismissed by British Consul. Four Swiss aviation technicians have requested protection from UN forces in Bukavu. There was more with the holding of 22 players of visiting football team following the discovery of arms. Later on the TV news he sees four of those on the island party in custody including Maxie shackled. A British Government denies any knowledge of the event saying that to suggest otherwise because one or two of those apprehended are British was absurd.

Then there is information about Maxie from an ex wife. He is British Officer trained and had various position including a contract for an Arab government. There is reference to an academic said to be behind the attempt coup.

It is the established that Hannah had been picked up by the police. The contact however mentions that while she was on the tip she made arrangement to have a sound file made for him as a surprise.

Salvo then gets a phone message from Philip saying he had a deal and Salvo had to contact. He does and gets an address to visit. Without knowing what the outcome will be Salvo then assumed he might not be returning so made the accommodation good order and dressed in comfortable, and potentially long term clothing, gathering his important possession including prized photo of Noah who he still hoped would be his step son to be.

He then reports what happened next and that he is able to do so means that at the time of recounting he is still alive because in all the Le Carré adventures someone I have come to care about or wish they had a different end dies, even Bill Haydon who I did not care about because his death seemed too easy for him given his level of treachery.

Salvo’s anger and frustration at what could have happened Hannah spills over when he visited the location for the meeting with Philip with the consequence he is rendered unconscious in such a manner that its effect remained for several months after. When he awoke he was confronted by Philip and a Gentleman from the Home Office with executive power. He was reassured that Hannah was well and returning to her home as her visa having been withdrawn because of her involvement in political agitation. This was because she had marched against the war in Iraq and because her Birmingham trip to hear the Mwangaza was also considered political, and further she was caught possessing and passing on to a foreign power restricted material and where the recipient of the material was involved in non government militia which makes it straight terrorism. That she was attempting to stop an illegal war was neither here or there. He explained that that she was departing voluntarily having signed all waivers and would be reunited with her son in Kampala.

It was then attention was directed at Salvo who the Home Office gentleman said had only been able to come to the UK which as research had discovered was due to the misguided action of the British Consul presumably under the pressure of the Holy See. Salvo was confronted by the reality that since the age of ten he had been an illegal immigrant and never attempted to regularise his position.

The Congolese have agreed to organise an official birth certificate and he will be welcomed there in due course. He is served with an official notice as an unwanted person and taken into police custody and onto a detention centre to await his departure.
He receives a communication from Hannah working in a new teaching ward in Kampala looking forward to seeing him again with her son and fending off advances with a pretend wedding ring.

He then received a letter via Mr Anderson from Haj addressed Dear Zebra. Haj explains that Hannah, whoever she was, had not needed to send him the tapes as he already pulled the plug as soon as he had returned home getting his father to turn in the Mwangaza and then contact the other two conspirators and get them to understand what they were doing before confessing to the UN and taking an extended holiday a long way from home. When Salvo is allowed back he is promised a teaching post at Bukavu University but it was up to him if he spends his time teaching languages or beer drinking. He mentions having got to a priest who knew his father and to quote it is evident he screwed for the whole mission. He has a bungalow on his former colonial palace at the lake’s edge which Salvo can have.

The books end with Salvo still waiting, writing to his future step son. Probably as close to a happy ending as one will ever experience with Monsieur Le Carré! It has not been into a film, I wonder why?

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