Thursday 11 July 2013

The Storm of Swords, the conclusion

The third season of the TV production of a Game of Thrones ends on a positive note after the shock of the murders of King Robb Stark, his mother and closest guardsmen, wedding guests at the House of Frey but we know that Bran Stark the legitimate heir to the estate of Winterfell is alive and on his quest to find the three eyed Crow which is bringing him insight into the future in his visions.

His younger brother Rickon was last reported alive having gone his separate way with his guardians and did not feature in the series or indeed in volumes three and four of George R R Martin‘s epic. The youngest daughter Ayra had also survived from being held at the Court of King Joffrey after the murder of King Robert and her father Lord Stark, and had also survived various challenges along the road in her attempt to find her family and get home.

So to had survived the half brother John Snow who has returned to the headquarters of the Nights Watch, Castle Black and according to the rest of a Storm of Swords, Blood and Gold, Jon is elected the new Commander of the Watch as a compromise candidate, engineered by King Stannis who had rescued the Watch from the attack of the Wildlings and manipulated the main contenders with the help of Samwell Tarly who Jon had befriended and defended. Jon had been declared the legitimate heir by King Robb having believed that his younger bothers had been murdered.

There was one significant development in the fourth book
not included in the third series. Catelyn Stark, despite her throat cut and unable to speak because of the wound was nevertheless alive after a fashion and taking command of the Brotherhood Without Banners hell bent on revenge on those who had destroyed her family.

Catelyn had ordered her guardswoman the Lady Brienne, formerly, the guardswoman to King Renly Baratheon, the younger brother of Stannis Baratheon to take the captured Jaime Lannister, the twin of Queen Cersie and in fact the father of her three children registered as those of the murdered King Robert, including her eldest boy the evil adolescent Joffrey. Lady Brienne had been instructed to return Jamie to his family in exchange for her two daughters Sansa and Ayra, unaware that Ayra had broken free and was in the road in search of her. During the two books of A Storm of Swords, Lady Brienne had first to contend with the arrogant and uncooperative Jaime although he had been right to argue that had she untied his hands and given a sword they would not have been captured.

After their capture Jaime had his right hand severed and survived just about, full of self pity at his plight but growing in admiration of Brienne for her grit and fighting skill as well as determination to keep her word and fulfil her mission. He has consequently saved her from rape and then death in a bear pit and together they had return to his family where he found an unexpected situation and had to struggle to protect Brienne who was incarcerated. He returns to his role in he Kingsguard.

However I want to tell the rest of the story of the Lannisters through the position of the elder daughter of Lord and Lady Stark, Sansa. One sources summarises Sansa, who is only 11 when the series commence, as possessing as interest in “music, poetry, singing, dancing, embroidery, and other traditional feminine activities. Like many girls of her age, Sansa is enthralled by songs and stories of romance and adventure, particularly those depicting handsome princes, honourable knights, chivalry, and love. Initially those song and stories were Sansa's vision of the world beyond Winterfell, a world she desperately wished to experience, but she was later disabused of such innocent romanticized notions.”

Because of her outlook on life she jumped at the chance of being betrothed to Joffrey when King Robert visited Winterfell and she revelled in the prospect of one day becoming a Queen and she sided with Joffrey over his behaviour on the journey to Kings Landing which led to the killing of her Direwolf instead of that belonging to sister Ayra who sent hers off beforehand anticipating what was to happen with its fate has remaining unknown throughout the subsequent three books.

Sansa’s ambitions and girlish fantasies also contribute to the imprisonment and death of her father something which has not appeared to haunt her subsequently. When Lord Stark discovers after the death of King Robert that Joffrey is not his child he tells Sansa they are returning home and failing to persuade him to let her stay and marry Joffrey, she disclosed his intention to leave which led to his imprisonment and death.

She then had to witness the execution of her father as a traitor and to beatings at the hands of his men and narrowly escaped being raped at he hands of he mob. She is befriended by the keeper of the royal purse Lord Petyr Baelish, Known as Littlefinger, a nasty man despite his niceness with sneaky being another word to describe his machinations. Petyr had a relationship with Catelyn Stark who rejected his advance and drunk one night slept with her sister making her pregnant but because of his lowly birth the marriage was not sanctioned and the pregnancy terminated. She married the man who became the Hand to King Robert and who in turn was murdered after he gained proof that the three children of Queen Cersei was those of her twin brother and not her husband. It is Petyr who persuades the widow to write to her sister with the suspicions about his death. She lingers hope of establishing the relationships she wanted all those years before but Petyr only interest is his advancement and the coveting of Sansa who reminds him of her mother when she too was a girl. To provide something of the true nature of this wicked man he supported King Robert in the assassination attempt made of Daenerys Targaryen and he also betrayed Lord Stark, taking the side of the Queen which led to the capture of Sansa’s father.

In A Clash of Kings the machinations of Petyr are grasped by Tyrion Lannister who is appointed by his father as the hand of King Joffrey and he tries to use Petyr and Petyr tries to use him. It is Petyr who brokers the alliance between the Lannisters and Tyrell’s to get their forces to fight alongside by arranging a marriage between Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell setting aside that with Sansa. He lets Sansa know that he will arrange her escape from Kings Landing after the battle to save the city. However his motives are suspect.

As previously reported it was the ingenuity of Tyrion Lannister that saved the city and its Court by destroying the sea attack of Stannis Baratheon and then with the land forces of the Tyrell’s defeating the attack on land. He was badly wounded and disfigured but from the anger and envy of his sister the Queen, especially after he had arranged for the departure of her daughter as betrothed and then ward of another house and as she feared he was making moves to reduce her power further and control her son, the King.

However they had both been out manoeuvred by their father Lord Tywin who effectively sidelined Tyrion and worse demanded he had no contact with the love of his life the whore Shea, threatening her execution. After his recovery he had made Tyrion the Keeper of the Kings Coin with Petyr Baelish having been rewarded with the Lordship of Herrenhal, although the castle and estate was still in the hands of Roose Bolton.

Tyrion as previously reported has remained something of anti hero of series with the actor winning a number of awards and nominations and the character and the position of the character and the reputation fo the actor has been throughout the third season.

He confronts his rejecting father who declares that the man should be grateful that he did not follow his inclination and end his life at birth, putting the family interest first something which he argues Tyrion should now do so. He appoints Tyrion as Keeper of the Coin something which he applies himself quickly discovering the true nature of the finances and the way the crown is beholden and in debt to a wide range of interests.

However it is his father’s second order which throws Tyrion and causes Sansa the greatest of disappointments. When the season opened the grandmother of Joffrey’s new betrothed, Oleanna Tyrell nee Redwyne played by Honor Blackman, arrives at Kings Landing as part of the wedding party and invites Sansa to a meal at which she questions the girl about the personality and behaviour of the King in the presence of the future Queen, Margaery, the recently widowed wife of King Renly Baratheon, the brother of the murdered King Robert Baratheon and the legal father of Joffrey, the product of the incestuous union between Queen Cersei and her twin brother Jamie Lannister.

Lady Oleanna is known as the Queen of Thorns because of her barbed tongue, persuades Sansa to tell the truth and rewards the girl by suggesting that she marries one of the brothers of Margaery and lives with grandmother at the family home of Highgarden. This pleases Sansa who become a close friend of Margaery as they takes walks in the garden and share confidences and she abandon her desire to take up the offer of Littlefinger to escape from the court and make her way to her mother.

It is at this point that Tywin Lannisters intervened and orders his son Tyrion to marry Sansa as he also orders Cersei to make a new marriage of convenience.

Tyrion is opposed to this development but eventually goes along with the order and the two marry although the marriage is not consummated, as he is unwilling to force Sansa and hoping that she will develop feelings for him in time. The two make ready for the great wedding of Joffrey to Margaery at which there is to be over 100 courses at the banquet and where Tyrion’s wench, Shea had pleaded with him to get her into the main feast so she could admire the finery as well as witness and participate the great meal and accompanying events. However there is an event which is to shake the already crumbling foundations of the state even further as Joffrey dies, appearing to choke although through the administration of some poison. Given the enormity of this development I was not surprised it was left from season three of the TV series to create a major event in season four.

The TV season has also omitted an important scene in which Tywin Lannister exerts his authority over his grandson, King Joffrey ordering him to bed and to be given dreamwine to calm him down. The row is mainly between Joffrey and Tyrion who Joffrey goes out of his way to humiliate at the wedding. Because of this and the previous attempt by Queen Cersei to murder Tyrion it is not surprising that that she argues that Tyrion must have been responsible for the death of her eldest boy, and Tyrion is arrested and put on trial with many witnesses brought against him, including his wench. Things look very black.

It is at this point Littlefinger steps in and rescues Sansa on one of his ships taking her to the home of mother’s sister who is thrilled to provide sanctuary on the basis that this paves the way for her and Littlefinger to be together at long last.

Meanwhile as mentioned earlier the crippled Jamie Lannister has been returned home and in the TV series we see him meeting with Cersei. What is therefore not appreciated is that in fact this event occurs after the death of Joffrey when Cersei is in rage and mourning. She is in no mood to have the kind of open relationship with her twin brother he now wants. He returns to the Kingsguard having also fallen out of favour with his father and it is Jamie who arranges for Tyrion to escape the sentence of death by the court.

Lord Tywin refuses to let the death of the horrible spoilt and sadistic brat Joffrey upset his plans and decides that the younger brother Tommen, also as said the product of the union between Cersie and her brother should not only be crowned king but marry the already twice widowed Queen Margaery.

I must confess to be confused whether it was Littlefinger or Tyrion who murdered Joffrey with the unwitting help of Sansa or if indeed Tyrion arranged for Littlefinger to organise the murder. However Littlefinger’s plans to have Sansa for himself go awry and Catelyn sisters turns on the girl recognising the intentions and also perishes. For the wedding Sansa had been asked to wear a special jewel encrusted hair net which during the feast was rearranged by Lady Oleanna and Littlefinger tells Sansa that he had planted the concerns about Joffrey with Oleanna when he had arranged the marriage as requested by Tyrion and that Oleanna had a removed a particular jewel which dissolved in wine to form the deadly poison and therefore the Oleanna had been the one to kill Joffrey. She wanted to protect her daughter from the King’s sadism and feared that her son appointed to the Kingsguard would become vulnerable wanting to intervene when witnessing the King’s behaviour towards his sister.
Given that Margaery had drunk from the wine goblet placed before her and the king, the implication is that she knew of the plan to kill her husband and stopped drinking the moment she saw her grandmother rearrange the hair of Sansa

It can then be argued that she and Oleanna were in favour of the marriage between her granddaughter and the new boy king who appeared a very different young personality and indeed Jaime as head of the Kingsguard was keen to protect the new King in a way he did not feel as strongly regarding his older son

So how did I come to believe that Tyrion Lannister had admitted responsibility for the death of his nephew? Well he did but this was only to hurt his brother Jamie. Tyrion had loved and married Tysha a young woman he had met when he with his brother Jamie and found her on the road accosted by some men. She was aged thirteen years at the time.

When Lord Tywin heard about the marriage he persuaded Jamie to tell his brother that the girl was a known young prostitute and to reinforce the allegation the point Lord Tywin had insisted that the girl be used by men fo the Kingsguard who each paid her with a silver coin he had provided and then he had forced Tyrion to be the last man and to pay the girl with a gold coin of the same worth Jamie claimed that their father had given the girl to make a man of Tyrion after the staged event on the road.

Jaime reveals this to Tyrion as the reason why with the help of a reluctant Lord Varys he had arranged for his brother to escape : guilt and which in turn led Tyrion to say that he had killed Joffrey and that he would kill Jamie when they next meet. Tyrion then makes his way to his father’s bedchamber where he find that Shae in his father’s bed. He strangles her for the evidence she game against him at his trial and then murders his father after the man said he could not remember what happened to Tysha except that she went where whores go. Queen mother Cersie offers to make anyone a Lord who kills Tyrion.

Meanwhile back at the home of the Tully’s, Catelyn’s sister had seen Littlefinger steal a kiss from Sansa noting that she had come to look so much like the love of his life. This prompted the surviving sister to try and kill Sansa, but instead Petyr kills the woman leaving the Sansa in his power and with her mother believed dead along with now her two aunts and her brothers. In fact as we know half brother Jon is now commander of the Nights Watch. Brother Brandon is on his quest for the crow with three eyes. Younger brother Rickon is elsewhere while sister Ayra is taking passage. Her mother, perhaps one of the undead, is leading a band of rebels and in fact only her father and eldest brother are dead. It is also presumed that Lord Baelish, Cersei, Tyrion, King Stannis, Oleanna, the Mother of the Dragons Daenerys Targaryen and indeed Ayra, Bran, Rickon, Catelyn, and Jon only know of their position as the others who have been covered in a Storm of Swords. The Epic continues.

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