Wednesday 19 June 2013

Goerge Martin's Fire and Ice volumes three and four A Storm of Swords

The third season has ended of transforming the epic George R R Martin’s Fire and Ice, into the televised production of A Game of Thrones. This covers all of the first book of A Storm of Swords Steel and Snow and part coverage of A Storm of Swords Blood and Gold volumes three and four in the series. The television series has become mega in terms of world wide popularity including in countries such as Russia and China, winning awards including public vote BAFTA and is doing wonders for the economy in Northern Ireland where the 2014 season is being produced. I recently reported that a young woman who I had not met before engaged me in conversation while waiting for different trains at Newcastle station on the strength of my reading a George Martin volume of the series.

There is no doubt that in terms of television series A Game of Thrones ticks all my boxes and those of many others because of its spectacle, great acting and storylines. It is great escapism with moments of shock and disappointment because of the turn of events as characters who have engaged and who one wants to do well are murdered, the equivalent of Harry Potter or two of the main characters in Lord of the Rings meeting an unpleasant end at the conclusion of the first book of 4, 7, or how many more volumes Martin intends to write of his fantasy set in a middle ages Europe in terms of any historical, geographical and climatic clues. The books are also a splendid read full of vivid and detailed descriptions although creating an unease which the TV series does not. This is because in terms of all the killing, violence and forced marriages many of the key characters are adolescent children.

Because there is no evidence that Martin intends readers and viewers to read too much into his work, it remains divorced from the involvement of children in the current horrors say going in Syria when out of revenge a school age teenager is known to have beheaded an enemy, filmed and broadcast. With this note of caution for anyone turning to the books because of the TV series I will move on to explaining how I propose to summarise my experience of reading the 1182 pages plus the appendixes of the two volumes on which the third season is based and because I cannot remember all that happened only in the TV coverage I am not going to attempt to remember where the cut off points occurred in relation to the individual storylines rather than how the whole developed and in this first writing I will attempt some kind of overview as well as concentrating on my favourite of a number of favourite characters the gorgeous mother of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen the Queen Across the Water. She is the last survivor of the House of Targaryen already a widow at the age of fourteen years.

She now resides in a land which has the appearance of the Mediterranean middle east and is attempting to amass an army to cross the water to claim control of the seven Kingdoms of Westeros, a mythical land painstakingly created and which has three distinct areas. The south where the climate is warmer and the North which continue until a great wall of iced covered rocks upon which are fortresses manned by the Nightwatch who like the Kings Guard in the South and men of other Kingdoms are required to make an oath of allegiance to die defending and performing their role celibate so that nothing can deflect them from their duty.

For the first book called A Game of Thrones, and to some extent the second in the series, A Clash of Kings, the land north of the wall remains unknown although parties of the Nightwatch go to explore and check on the state of things.

I mention the climate, something which is of great concern in my every day life as days of warm sunshine have become something of a rarity and in this fantasy land the seasons last not within a year but for years and sometimes for generations and are also associated with times of darkness in events and spirit as well as of light and joy. The first books occur during summer but with the threat winter about to descended upon them all.

Although it is a land of seven Kingdoms and great Houses of extended families with their castles, Knights called Ser, squires, servants and citizens much akin to what we understand as the middle ages in western Europe, two of the Houses joined forces and controlled the seven separate Kingdoms through one King, the King of the Iron Throne Robert Baratheon who was succeeded by the boy considered to be the legal heir until the information became generally available to those of the great Houses and as gossip among the hoy purloy that Joffrey, a boy of thirteen years when he became King, his sister Princess Mycella and young brother Prince Tommen were in fact the incestuous children of the twin brother of the Queen.

The Queen Cersie was of the great House of Lannister and it was she who organised the death of her husband to place her son on the throne and where she hoped to rule, for as a woman a Queen could not rule even if she and the support of the little or great council of state. She had effectively used her sex to control her twin brother Jamie and continuously plotted to outwit and side line the brains of the family, her brother Tyrion, the height challenge man we would say, but for the purposes of the writing books and TV, a dwarf, whose mother had died at his birth thus alienating from his father the most ruthless, coldly cunning of the House, the Lord Tywin and the man with the money, military power and connections to sustain the Kingship by his family members.

The twin brother, Jamie, is known as the Kingslayer because he was the person who killed the former King, King Aerys II of Targaryen, the father of Daenerys, while King Robert killed her eldest brother with her sister also murdered along with another son. Daenerys escaped with her brother who is also now dead. The Targaryens once ruled the Kingdoms with the help of Dragons, now believed extinct throughout Westeros, except for their skulls kept at the HQ of the Kingdoms at the palace castle at Kings Landing and an ancient belief that one day someone would come who would bring back the dragons out of stone. It also should be mentioned that that the Targaryens are reported to have accepted incest as a way of life and indeed the Daenerys and her elder brother are said to have played in the way of Caligula and his sister.

Joffrey who can be described as a ruthless spoilt child prone to tantrums with disastrous consequences, is challenged by three men who proclaimed themselves Kings. The first two are the brothers of the King or more accurately I should say were as the King in the Highgarden, Renly Baratheon, the younger of the brothers has been murdered at the behest of the older brother Stannis. My memory of Renly is of an essentially good and honourable man while his brother is under the influence of the Red Priestess ( she has red eyes) Lady Melisandra of Asshai of a religion with a God of Fire and with supernatural powers with shape shifting, who conjured a shadow through a conception by the King, which killed the brother while in the presence of the mother of the King of the North and also by a trusted female warrior. More of the warrior lady later.

King Stannis Baratheon has a calculating wife, Selsie of the House of Florent and they have children including a daughter who is disfigured and kept away from company. Stannis has a seafaring former pirate made up as his right hand man called Ser Davos Seaworth commonly referred to as the Onion Knight who tries to Counsel the King against precipitous action but is repeatedly out manoeuvred by the Red Priestess at every turn who claims that Stannis is the man who according to prophecy will arouse the now stone dragons back into life.

The role of the right hand man is called The Hand and is the first Minister chief adviser, organiser and fixer to the King. The right hand man for murdered King Robert had been the brother in law of the father of the King of North. When the Hand of King Robert was murdered, he visited the Lord of Winterfell in the North, Eddard Stark, whose wife Catelyn of the House of Tully was the sister in law of the former Hand.

King Robert commands Eddard who had fought with him to gain control of the seven Kingdoms to become his Hand and Eddard goes South with his two daughters, both children, Princess Sansa a maid then of twelve years who had become betrothed to Joffrey and with young sister Ayra, a tomboy then aged ten years.

After Sansa was betrothed and Ayra, escaped but in the crowd witness the beheading of Eddard at the command of King Joffrey Robb Stark when only a boy of fifteen years is encouraged by his mother and with the support of other nobles in the North to declare themselves independent of Joffrey and with Robb as the crowned King of the North. Robb has a younger brother Brandon, who becomes a cripple when thrown from climbing the outside wall of the castle and unintentionally over hearing Queen Cersie with her twin brother. In certain conditions Bran has the power to see the future. He has a young brother Rickon then only four and the children also have an elder half brother Jon, called Snow the name given to illegitimate children. John Snow is brought up as a member of the Household and to the discomfort of Catelyn and little is known about the boy’s mother with whom Eddard had a relationship before his marriage.

Jon Snow goes to the Wall as a Knightwatch guard at the suggestion of his father’s brother who has now disappeared on a exploration and checking visit north of the Wall where here are reports of disturbing movements and events and where there is lives Wildings or free people as well as in the past dark almost invincible creatures of the undead.

Early in the first volume Eddard finds a dire wolf, a large, intelligent and loyal form of wolf, creature now extinct for 10000 years mainly in the Americas. One of the creatures was killed at the demand of Joffrey, that belonging to Sansa while that belonging to Arya was sent away to save him ad his present fate is unknown while a third, that belonging to Robb is to feature strongly as that of Jon to lesser extent in the latest two volumes.

There are around 500 characters associated with the great and lesser Houses and their courts although fortunately the storylines do concentrate on the fortunes and misfortunes of specific characters and the first two volumes amounting to 1500 pages have been reported on in some length previously in terms of the first two TV series..

In terms of the quality of actors employed and the acting in general, the range of sets and locations, the numbers includes and use of the latest visual technology the Game of Thrones is without equal. However as already highlighted there is a fundamental and important difference between the books and the TV series which has to be reminded and this in the age of the principle characters Daenerys, Joffrey, Sansa, Ayra, Robb, Brandon, and the others to come is that they are children who become directly involved in the killing or being killed, as principal game players, married off and with the girls at constant threat of sexual assault. The TV series therefore has the characters looking and described as older thus conforming to the law and mores of the day.

I begin my first update with my favourite character The Queen across the Water.. It should be remember that this adorable young woman was effectively sold by her brother in marriage to the war lord of the nomadic Dothraki tribe of warrior huntsmen in exchange for using his forces to help regain his position as King of the seven Kingdoms of the land across the waters, Westeros. The two “pretenders” aided by a knight guardian adviser Ser Jorah, who secretly coverts the girl, have been beholden to the rulers of lands presented as Mediterranean North African always sunshine, with deserts and walled cities. The flaw in the deal between the brother, the adviser and the Dothraki war lord is that his men have a fear of the sea and therefore he and they are unenthusiastic about immediately setting off to invade Westeros. Presented first as a Genghis Khan type of figure her husband proved to be a kind and considerate man who dies despite her turning to dark arts in an attempt to save him after her brother is killed with her blessing because of his inadequacy and treachery. His death is the first to reveal that many of the characters we come fo admire and hope to do well is to be eliminated, thus making predicted outcomes a challenge..

Daenerys undergoes a transformation after being in the great flames of the funeral pyre of her husbands body and appears to become immortal and to grow in wisdom and military guile.

Throughout the epic todate there is reference to the age of Dragons where on the mainland only their skeletons remain, but on her wedding day she is presented with the last known three dragon eggs by her adviser and through the ordeal by fire they are hatched and begin to grow. And during this series are able to breathe their fire and destroy but it will be several years before they can be ridden and directed to create havoc in battles.

Having acquired three ships from her exploits in the in the second season she sets said for a kingdom of slave masters who have created a great army of warriors who have been turned into eunuchs and then trained as fighters. Pretending not to understand the language of the slave masters she puts up with his insults appearing to accept the strongly edited translations and much to the horror of Ser Jorah appearing to offer one of her dragons in exchange of all the able bodied trained warriors over ten thousand in number. What she does not disclose until the deal is agreed is that dragons select those they will serve and the dragon taken as part of the deal immediately turns on the Slave master leader and kills him with fire and as the deal has been agreed Daenerys now has control and command of the army. However she makes the point that in new deal world no one can be a slave and therefore they are given the option of going off as free men or serving as her army and to a man they chose her, the Mother of Dragons as she become known and all the other slaves and their families are freed and decide to join in the quest so that now she has the responsibility for an ever increase population in their tens of thousands.

This is the first of three cities and their people that Daenerys confronts with her growing forces during the two volumes of A Storm of Swords.

She has to use all her skills in outwitting men on reaching the second walled city and she enlists the attention of a young warrior who beheads his two confederates including the leader who tells her to submit or he will take her and then pass onto his men for their use and pleasure. By the time she reaches the third city she is having to overcome her emotions and desire for an adult relationship. She considers using both Ser Jorah and the young warrior with lustful eyes but contents with a female servant.

She is also saved from an individual personal attack by a knight who has sought her out and who once protected her father but was forced to accept duty with the man who has killed her father and other family members before she had escaped with her brother.

When Ser Jorah points out who the new arrival is her first reaction she is horrified but decides, subject to a test, to keep him at her side. He retaliates against Ser Jorah by revealing that throughout the exile of Daenerys and her brother the Court at kings Landing had been receiving reports of their whereabouts, some hundred reports if of more and that the source fo these was Ser Jorah Mormont formerly Lord of Bear Island exiled for slaving. This he admits saying he had been promised being able to return to Westeros one day, but as a consequence of these reports the attempted assassinations on her were made.

In order to minimise the loss fo life and because the growing population of followers as well as army of the Unsullied need food and water, she decides that Ser Jorah and Ser Barristan Selmy, formerly of the Kings Guard to King Robert should attempt to enter the city through the sewers and open the gates to allow her forces to take the city with the minimum of bloodshed. This is successful and with now responsibility off a third city to have responsibility she makes an important decision. First she effectively pardons Ser Barristan and decides to keep him with her but she cannot forgive Ser Jorah and banishes him from her side.

The decision she takes arising from finding that having given people their freedom many have wanted to become slaves again to the households of the wealthy where they will lead a better life than fending for themselves She decides to put on hold her ambition to take an army across the water to reclaim her father‘s crown and concentrate on managing her growing realm to ensure the people are well provided for. While the dragons Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal are growing, can fly freely and breathe fire it will be three years before they can ridden and until then their use is therefore restricted. It has occurred to me that the prophecy quoted by the Red Priestess applies to Daenerys and not to King Stannis and that perhaps she does know this!

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