Wednesday 2 May 2012

Clash of Kings part 3

It was not until the fifth episode of the Clash of Kings in the second season of the Game of Thrones that an events occurred which provided the first indication of the way things are likely to evolve if not conclude.  

I begin not with the event or will mention it because of overlaps and reorganisation of events in the TV series different from the book. I begin with Ayra who along with Tyrion are given great attention during the first part of the book.  She and the other orphans escaped the killing and the burning and when it appeared that Joffrey’s Lannister men had left the city she climbed as high a tree as she could find to survey the scene and then enerted to find everyone there dead and mulitated by the wild animals that had been left to forage. There was nothing to be done but she would not leave without finding out if Yoren was killed, he who promised to take her home to Winterfell before continuing on the the Wall with the rest of his group.  He was found, his head divided by an axe surrounded by bodies that it appeared he had killed before others killed him. She insisted or burying him before they moved on.

They were without food and driven to eat beatles, and worms. This contrasts sharply with the food of others as will be described. It was after another tree climbing lookout that she saw a village close to the shore and the considred whether to go where there would be food but risk being hunted and captured by Joffrey‘s men who could  also be seen. It was also the occaison when Arya was challenged about her sexual idenity by Gendrey, the young man who unknown to both of them was the late Kings eldest surviving illegitimate son. She tried to brazen it out but in the end admitted the truth, and who she was and swore him to secrey, which although he agrred created a problem because he tried to treat her as the lady she was in the making which was the opposite of what she needed to maintain the secrecy, Gendry was the first to be caught by the men of the caravan at the village and soon the others driven by their hunger they were forced to give themselves up. One whose leg was hurt asked to be carried and had his throat cut for admitting his disability. (212-224)  

For the next eight days of their capture she witnessed the questioning and the tortuting of the villagers at the rate of death a day. The questioning of each victim was always the same. They wanted to know if there was gold and other vaulanles hidden the village, or food not disclosed. They wanted to know about their enemy and if anyone in village had aided them and what of Lord Beric Dondarrion who had escpaed, which did direction did he travel and who was with him? It did not matter if the villagers did not know; the torturing was undertaken by one known as Tickler and continued until the victimn died. With the remaining villagers they were being taken in the service of Lord Tywin Lannister at his fortress at Herennial. The killing continued along way and forced to make water along the road the others soon realised that she was a girl although this fact was ignored by the guards who clearly had no knowledge that Gendry and she were wanted by Joffrey and the Queen. The rape and the slaughter continued along the way with one young woman taken four or five times a night until she hit one with a rock and had her head cut off and her body left for the wolves. 

Ayra was glad someone had taken her sword otherwise she would have used it, been killed and her body left for the wolves. She contented herself by going over the names of those involved- Dunsen, Polliver, Chiswyck, Raif, Ser Amory and the Sweetling for the death of Lommy, The Tickler, The Hound and their commanders Ser Amory. Ilyn and Mervyn together with Joffrey and Cersei. When she reached the citadel she was assigned and warned that defiance and pride were smell about her when they wanted to smell fear. (304-309)

Her main work was cleaning although sometimes she ran messages and served at the table for the men of arms. The work was hard but the life was better than it had been on the road and there was food. She had contact with the other young people who had on the road with her. She was able to learn secrets about the other servants and some of the masters and of the disregard for the King and his mother, and his parentage.  She thought of escape and of revealing her identity. One day Ser Amory Launch and his men arrived. She also realised that one of the three men she had help free was within them but as he showed no recognition she assumed he failed to recognise now that she was dressed as girl. Later she heard the voice of one at her ear indicating that because she had saved three she was owed three. All she had to do was name and three would be killed.  This was more implicit than explicit.

When she heard tell how they treated the girl that had been placed in the kitchen she uttered the name of one man Chiswyck and shortly after he was said to have fallen to his death in a drunken state. She determined to give two more names (334 342).

There is a brief incident covered affecting her older sister Sansa in which she receives an anonymous letter asking for a meeting outside the city walls if she wishes to return home. Knowing the implications of being caught she nevertheless goes to meet the unknown individual (205-2011). She finds the man is a member of the Court is well known as a drunk and a useless threat to her. She has difficulty explaining her absence on return claiming she went to pray for her future husband.

Sansa assumed that her younger sister was safe at Winterfell with her two younger brothers, Despite his disability and with the help of his adviser young Brandon was heading a feast to mark the harvest and give heart to the men of the Kingdom not with Robb‘s army. There were great joints of aurochs(?) roasted with leeks, venison pies chunky with carrots, bacon and mushrooms, mutton chops sauced in honey and cloves, goose, skewers of pigeon and capon, peppered boar, savoury duck, beef and barley stew, cold fruit soup. There were also twenty casks of fish brought from Whiteharbour -whitefish and winkles,, crabs and mussels, clams herring, cod, salmon and lobster and lampreys (?), Black bread and honey cakes and oaten biscuits, There was turnips and beets and peas, squash and huge red onions, There was also baked apples and berry tarts, pears poached in strong wine and wheels of white cheese were at every table to be consumed with flagons of hot spice wine and chilled autumn ale. He meets some of the guests and some reaffirm their commitment to the family. He continues to have dream, nightmares, and visions depending upon perspectives. (237- 244).

Their mother also has a dream that her son was whole, the daughters were hand in hand, the eldest crownless, the youngest at her breast and he husband in her bed. It was also a nightmare dream or vision according to perspective (245-259). It was her son crowned King at 15 who insisted she go and see Lord Renly one the former king’s two brothers. She was reluctant but saw the wisdom of her going. As she made her way to the camp of thousands of tents she was escorted by one of his knights who commented that his master was the anointed King of all Seven Kingdoms which made her wonder if he was her escort or she his captive.

As she approach closer she could see that a tournament was taking place before the young King and his bride no more of age than her son. The fights were coming to an end and the victor was revealed to be a young woman, Brienne of Tarth. The King Commander her to say what favour she would ask of him and she was immediate with her answer. She wished to become of he seven of his Rainbow guard, responsible for his personal security. This was granted. Renly then acknowledge Catelyn and also that Robb was King and not Lord of the North. He also expressed his concern for the loss of her husband.

After recovering from the journey she was treated to a banquet of similar proportion that which her younger son had recently provided their people. There was also poached pears in wine and savoury fish, capons stuffed with onions and mushrooms together with mounds of turnips sweet corn and peas, and brown bread, and hams and geese and venison skewed with beer and barley, There were trays of pastries cream swans and spun sugar unicorns, spiced honey biscuits and blackberry tarts, lemon cakes and apple crisps together with wheels of buttery cheese.  All this compares to the days of eating worms and beetles by his sister Ayra and her limited diet now as a servant.

The two then walked together and discussed the situation that had arisen, why her husband has not refused to acknowledge Joffrey and supported Renly’s claim. The calm was broken with the news that his brother, Lord Stannis was his gates with an army. (245-259).

Meanwhile her step son was out with the Watch investigating what was happening north of the Wall. They were approach the camp of one Craster who had many women and it appeared he was there, the first being encountered after finding village upon village deserted. The hall was big enough to accommodate perhaps fifty of the party but the rest would to find lodgings in the open. He learned that his uncle had not been seen for three years when usually there was a visit once a year. (260-276). Jon who does not partake of the hall and its hospitality is approached by a pregnant young woman who seeks his help to leave with him, prepared to be his wife because she is concerned for the future of her unborn child if it is a boy. A girl will be kept to become yet another wife of Craster, but a boy would be given to the cold Gods, the White Shadows as was being given the sheep and soon the dogs as here was no more sheep. When he spoke of had passed with the Commander the Commander was not surprised, indicating that he knew there were unnatural beings about. This made Jon afraid even tough they were several hundred in number.

It is Tyrion who increasingly appears to have control of the King’s affairs and his city although the Queen continues to believe she is the power. He has decided that given the creation of several thousand pots of the incendiary wildfire ordered by his sister it was essential that the gate keepers should have early training in their use otherwise the outcome could well be the city setting fire to itself. He arranged for several thousand empty pots to be used for training purposes, first with paint and then with oil and that that failing show good and safe use of the potential weapons should be replaced

It is while he is out on this mission that he first comes  across some of the open public dissent and criticism of the King, his parentage and the situation the family have placed the city and its citizens especially with the severe shortage of food. He also has the good fortune to encounter Ser Cleos Frey with his letter of Peace terms before it reaches his sister and the King. Given his scathing response to what is requested his decision to read first and present the letter with his view to the small Council is a wise one and echoes an earlier comment that while recognising that the Kingship is doomed he is working out a way to prevent himself, his brother and other family members from being killed during the process.

He is also summoned to see his sister who is raging at having discovered his plan to betroth her only daughter and for her to become an effective hostage for five years until the reaching the age when the marriage should take place. ( 225-244). He explained  his strategy and believed they were in the stronger position over arguing that the sending of peace terms, unacceptable as they were was a good indication that this was so. While she reacted to the letter as he had predicted he mused over who had revealed the plan about the daughter to her mother.

I am missing out the most important development of episode 5 and pivotal to the books because there are several matters earlier in the book yet to be covered and I have more ado elsewhere. I will therefore post this and go back to writing 2271, completing my journey home and the important political events that have occurred

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